
es dope.

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About Me

the name is Julianny peroo better known as Julie ♥. may only be 16 years young but been through more shit than your small mind can imagine. currently resting in jersey but my heart still belongs in nyc. junior at wrhs. ii may seem intimidating, bitchy, && conceited but i'm a nice person at heart. singing && photography are the two greatest loves of my life. listen to all types of music peroo my heart will always lie with old school hip hop. ii despise labels so don't you ever dare label me ;; i'm a unique individual - labels are for cans of soup. you can usually pick me out in a crowd because i'm random, i'm loud, i'm outgoing, && i'm really tiny && usually the most beautiful girl in the room [haha!]. ii believe beauty is only skin deep && that a person's beauty is defined by their personality, so i'd love to meet you if you're a person that stands out. got trust issues soo ii may not be warm at first peroo don't worry, ii don't bite - i'm the coolest person you'll ever meet ;; scratch that - i'm the best person you'll ever meet. peacee.
Name Julianny Gomez
Gender Female
Age 16
Location Newark, NJ
Ethnicity Hispanic
Interested in Men
Status In a relationship
Interests singing, photography
Quotes "sometimes the greatest journey is the distance between two people." "life isn't about the destination, it's about the journey that gets us there."


Showing latest 1 of 1 comments

welcum to cb :)

By ZO-9 on Jan 4, 2008 10:01 pm · History


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Registered Jul 3, 2006
Last update Jan 4, 2008

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5 photos

dee && wild thing. new years O8 close up. black && white.


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